You don’t have to expend lots of money on different skin whitening products to eliminate dark spots, pigmentation and to achieve a glowing, radiant complexion. There are lots of natural ingredients that will turn your dull, pigmented, flawed skin into a spotless, glowing complexion. Pimple and acne can leave ugly spots on skin while harmful sun rays, nutritional deficiency cause pigmentation which is not easy to get rid of. They tend to make skin lifeless and filthy that also causes lack of confidence. Don’t be sad if you’re facing such problems. Get yourself a treatment at home that will remove dark spots and pigmentation and give a flawless glowing complexion.
1) Coconut water
2) Lemon juice
How To Use
– Take a bowl and mix the equal ratio of coconut water and lemon juice.
– Apply this remedy on well cleansed and dried skin using a cotton ball.
– Leave it for 20 minutes and keep applying in between.
– Now wash your face with clean water and apply any moisturizer you like.
– Do this every night before going to sleep.
– Use at least SPF 50 sunscreen in the morning.
How It Works
Coconut water is full of vitamins and nutrients like vitamin B complex, A, calcium, potassium, protein, iron and has anti inflammatory and detoxifying properties that fights acne. It has cleansing properties that also removes dark spots and chickenpox marks. Anti aging properties in it helps repair skin and keeps the less at bay.
We we all know lemon is rich in vitamin C that helps remove dark spots, pigmentation and lightens and brightens your skin tone. It contains citric acid which is a type of alpha hydroxy acid that cleanses skin and removes dead skin cells from the skin surface.
Tips To Follow With This Remedy:
▪️ Use high SPF sunscreen at least SPF 50 with broad spectrum and reapply frequently.
▪️ Drink lemon water in the morning, empty stomach. And in the evening, drink coconut water.
▪️ Avoid eating junk food and oily foods as much as you can.
▪️ Eat healthy sprouts and juice to nourish your skin from within.
▪️ Drink 3-4 liters of water per day.
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Nisha is a full-time blogger who has been passionately writing since 2018. She covers a wide range of topics, from lifestyle, reviews, consumer guidance to wellness. When she’s not writing blog posts, you can find her learning something new.