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DIY Anti Ageing Cocoa Butter Body Lotion

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Using anti aging creams on face is not just enough. As we age, our body’s skin also starts becoming dry and fine lines and wrinkles starts appearing on skin and for that Your daily moisturizing lotion isn’t enough. Our body’s skin also need to be taken care of as much as our facial skin. So my today’s recipe is about a DIY aging body lotion that will reduce the signs of ageing and moisturize your skin too.

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1) Raw cocoa butter- 4 tablespoon

2) Rose water- 2-3 tablespoon

3) Glycerin- 1 teaspoon

4) Carrot seed oil- 1/2 teaspoon

How To Use

▪️ In a blender take 4 tablespoon raw cocoa butter, 2-3 tablespoon rose water, 1 teaspoon glycerin, half teaspoon of carrot seed oil and blend them well.

▪️ Now store this lotion in a pump attached bottle.

▪️ After taking shower, massage this body lotion on all over your body.


Cocoa butter contains antioxidant and fatty acids that creates a barrier and protect skin from moisture loss. It fights free radicals, improve skin elasticity and delays ageing.

Glycerin hydrates skin by absorbing water from air. It makes skin soft smooth and supple

Rosewater revitalizes, nourish, tones and soothes skin.Carrot seed oil helps repair skin damage, strengthens skin and prevent sagging.