I’m sure you guys already familiar with the concept of hyaluronic acid. It is naturally present in our skin and the molecule holds a thousand times its weight in water. Hyaluronic acid helps retain moisture and also prevents skin’s moisture from evaporating into the air. It is an amazing anti aging ingredient that makes skin soft, plump and younger.
1) Aloe vera gel- 3 tablespoon
2) Hyaluronic Acid Capsules- 2 capsules
3) Glycerin- half tablespoon
4) Rose water- 1-2 tablespoon
5) Sandalwood essential oil- 4 drops
How To Use
▪️ In a bowl take 3 tablespoon aloe vera gel, half tablespoon glycerin,2 tablespoon rose water and 4 drops of sandalwood essential oil.
▪️ Cut 2 capsules of hyaluronic acid and mix with it.
▪️ Blend all the ingredients very well.
▪️ Store this serum in an air tight container.
▪️ Wash your face using a face wash and pat it dry.
▪️ Now apply this serum and cover your face with the moisturizer of your choice.
▪️ Use this twice a day.
Aloe vera hydrates skin and has antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties that calms and soothes skin. Well, here I’ve used aloe vera gel for base.
Rosewater revitalizes, nourish, tones and soothes skin.
Glycerin provides a very good hydration by absorbing water from the air. It make skin soft, smooth, supple and gives a hydrated glow to the skin.
Hyaluronic acid is main ingredient in this serum. It is one of the best skin hydrating ingredient that makes skin plump and younger.
Sandalwood essential oil has anti aging properties. It tones, nourish and soothes skin.
Blend of these ingredients boost hydration, makes skin plumper, glowing and younger.
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Nisha is a full-time blogger who has been passionately writing since 2018. She covers a wide range of topics, from lifestyle, reviews, consumer guidance to wellness. When she’s not writing blog posts, you can find her learning something new.